A Mock Test Tool: TestMock

A Mock Test Tool: TestMock project page

A full-featured mock testing framework that allows known or arbitrary behavior mocking using expectations. Expectations can be set in flexible manners, depending upon the testing requirements. An expectation may include selector, range of send counts, preset dynamic arguments that satisfy given conditions, and preset or block evaluated return values. The framework also supports sequence definitions for a set of message sends and is capable of verifying whether the sequence has been satisfied or not.

Please check the Wiki page for more details and examples.

Version 9 NOTE:
This version now works with Pharo 1.1.1 image, while it continues to support the Pharo 1.0 and the Seaside dev image as before.

Version 8 NOTE:
The package version 8 has been tested with Squeak Seaside dev image (Seaside-2.8-573) and Pharo 1.0 image. This package has not been ported to Pharo 1.1.1 yet. Some collection classes have been deprecated and the TestCase implementation has changed in Pharo 1.1.1 from 1.0, and as a result this will need a port to Pharo 1.1.1 (hopefully soon enough).
